Jilly Bean: 15% My Ass! (Jil)

Yesterday I went to my usual Oregon Grown Gift Shop in search of cheap weed with seeds.  I bought some 15.69% THC .04% CBD Jilly Bean.  It smelled fantastic, just like I remembered, fruity and fun – but this time the buds were HUGE, dark, and dank.  I couldn’t believe this was the $20 quarter special!

When I got home I smoked a couple of bowls and was seriously fucked up in all the best ways, and I have a very high tolerance, I toke / vape / dab daily.

It just goes to show that THC is NOT the only terpene that runs the show!  Whatever else is prevalent in Jilly Bean is amazing, so much so that tonite I went back and bought two more quarters of it.  This is hitting me harder than a dab.  I pray I find a seed in the other 2 quarters, I would LOVE to grow this one!!

Jilly Bean smells like fruit candy and is just… fun like being a kid in a candy store!  It’s a hybrid and I’d say it has a sativa leaning side to it but nothing that would keep you from sleep too long if you had it at night.  In fact I imagine you’d go to bed with lovely thoughts dancing in your head.   They say it can be an aphrodisiac…

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