The Arizer Solo 2 Arrived Today!

Yay, my new toy! In all honesty, the Solo 2 isn’t much different from the Titanium Air that I had before, but it is a bit nicer in feel and touch, heats up faster, and it seemed like I got more tokes out of the Solo 2 than from the Air before having to empty out the used flower.

At any rate, I’m happy with it, and it’s nice to have a portable vape for upstairs and to take when out and about outside. It comes with a nifty carrying case.

My tolerance is still fairly low and it’s wonderful. I vaped a unit of my homegrown Hellfire flower with it and am pretty stoned. I had “high” hopes of at least walking on the treadmill tonite, but my stoned ass is happy to stay plunked in the chair where it is.

I just started a podcast called Your Own Backyard: The Disappearance of Kristin Smart on the recommendation of a friend, and I’ve been wanting to listen to a good true crime story for a while now. I can’t watch Tiger Kings or Don’t F*ck with Cats on Netflix because I can’t do animal cruelty true crime stories, especially ones about cats (says the crazy cat lady).

Anyway, I am having a blast with a lower tolerance level and I wish to stay here as long as possible. My stash will last just that much longer! I’m bored with what I have to some degree and may brave the new dispensary by me on a 10:00 break at some point, but I’m trying to stay in love with what I have as long as possible because I really don’t want to catch the virus and I keep hoping my autoflower seed pops. It’s been a couple of weeks though, so it’s time to try another one. It would be so rad to have a harvest at the end of July / beginning of August!

What grows do you guys have going on right now? Answer in the comments! -hh

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