Bingeing Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel with Blackberry Kush

Hi Stoner Fam! I’m binge watching Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel on Netflix right now and it is RIVETING! I haven’t been this excited for something to watch or listen to in a few months! There are four episodes and I just finished the second one and will watch the other two tomorrow morning.

We have over seven inches of snow and freezing rain mixed and it was a blessing, for I finally went through all my clothes and got rid of five trash bags’ worth! I still need to dust, vacuum, and clean the curtains in there and one room will be done except for the hall closet, which I hope to do after this round of trash has been picked up because I’m running out of room already from today’s decluttering! I’m a natural slob and want to keep up this momentum and keep working on housecleaning this entire three day weekend and make it a habit to put in a few hours every weekend. I have so much to do, but it’s less daunting now. Instead of watching true crime I should binge Marie Kondo and the series on Minimalism on Netflix instead 🙂

Winding down with some Blackberry Kush because the Blue Cheese has been knocking me out lately and I want to see what happens to Elisa Lam at the Cecil Hotel! I vaped some Blackberry Kush in the Solo 2, a portion from which is about half a bowl’s worth. I’m still getting stoned on two vapes / one bowl and it’s freaking fabulous!

I’ve been wound up lately and indicas are just what I need to help melt away some of the anxiety and help me fall asleep.

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