The Love of Home Grown

Stoner Fam for the first time in a few weeks I actually felt happy most of the day today. I’m at home once again sampling my home grown Hellfire and Purple Vapor and it’s so fun to smell that it’s starting to cure and get some fragrance back.

I originally thought it would be ready by Thanksgiving, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be ready until Christmas. I’ll still sample along the way, of course… it’s a grower’s love. And it does get me quite stoned! It will only get better with time.

My friend gave me two Rude Boi seeds and I’m over the moon happy! I will definitely plant both next season along with… it’s so hard to decide! I do want to stay within legal growing limits and four plants really is enough for me, the space I have, and it’s for personal use only so this year I have total, dry, three large mason jars full of weed and I couldn’t be happier! I know for some that’s nothing, but for me it’s the best I’ve ever done and that will be more than enough of the same strain for me. I have a good year’s worth of home grown, and I have lots of dispensary weed too.

Green Crack, my first indoor photo grow, is doing GREAT! I’m too stoned to get up and take a pic but she’s doing awesome and is going to be a success, I just know it! I’ll provide a pic this weekend. The Green Crack I grew this summer turned out really funky and I threw it away. My three mason jar total for the season is from the Hellfire and Purple Vapor.

Lastly, I’m becoming addicted to Peleton, and am going to do a 30 minute fun disco walk on my treadmill, stoned af. More soon! -hh

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